Unit 20 Heron Industrial Estate
Widnes, WA8 0SW

Main Office Number

0800 180 4850

Available 10am – 4pm

Monday – Friday

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The VitaGlide has long been recognised as one of the most effective aerobic exercise machines that can be easily used from a wheelchair. The last version was released way back in 2008 and sold well around the world. Since then ownership of the design has changed hands and the new owners have been working to produce a much improved and updated version – VitaGlide 2019.

VitaGlide 2008

VitaGlide 2008

Well the good news is that in early 2019, the new and improved VitaGlide will be released and judging from the enquiries we have already received about it, will be very popular.

Works the upper body

VitaGlide’ s uniqueness, when compared to other exercise systems, is that the twisting motion works the lower deltoid and back muscles as well as passively exercising your core. It enables you to exercise over long periods at a sustainable rate, keeping your heart rate up and delivering more oxygen to your muscles.

VitaGlide 2019

VitaGlide 2019

It can be used to work the upper body of individuals with the following conditions:

  • People in wheelchairs
  • Stroke patients
  • Injured or impaired athletes, including, tennis and basketball players, swimmers, golfers and weightlifters
  • Geriatric patients who have lost upper body strength

Register your interest now to avoid disappointment

The new version is now undergoing final testing and will be released in the first quarter of 2019. With new technology to improve reliability and robustness it will also include a monitor to enable quick and easy software updates and upgrades as well as giving detailed feedback on your exercise regime.

We anticipate demand for this new version of VitaGlide to be very high. So, to avoid disappointment we recommend that you register your interest with us straight away to make sure your you get your VitaGlide in the first batch we will receive from Florida.

More information on the VitaGlide

VitaGlide is designed to assist upper body physical therapy patients and is an effective rehabilitation treatment