Unit 20 Heron Industrial Estate
Widnes, WA8 0SW

Main Office Number

0800 180 4850

Available 10am – 4pm

Monday – Friday

10th – 11th Oct 2018, Holiday Inn, Winchester

In October, Cyclone will be participating at the Hobbs Rehabilitation Masterclass in Neuro Technology (MINT) at the Holiday inn in Winchester. This 2-day event is designed for clinicians, technology engineers, case managers, lawyers involved in personal injury cases and other professionals working in the field of neuro rehabilitation.

The format is a combination of formal presentations and patient workshops led by experienced clinicians and technology device leads. These include topics as diverse as robotic exoskeletons, sensor-based gaming and whole-body reweighting.

Xcite – multi-channel FES

For our involvement, Clinical Operations Manager, Matt White, will be demonstrating Xcite from our partner Restorative Technologies. Xcite is a portable, multi-channel Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) therapy system with easy to set up pre-programmed activity libraries, that deliver sequenced stimulation through up to 12 stimulation channels. Xcite helps patients perform task specific, strengthening and gross motor activities.

Xcite FES evokes co-ordinated muscle contractions in upper extremity, lower extremity and core muscle groups. With this multi-channel FES therapy system, activities are easily integrated into conventional Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy programs. It can be used in the clinic or at home with a wide range of patient indications, providing a continuity of care.

Fine motor control and dexterity

Matt said, “Nothing else on the market compares to Xcite and the individual programs that can be created. This device allows users to work on precise fine motor control and dexterity, while providing Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, (FES).

“The repetitive practise of task specific strengthening has long been the cornerstone of PT and OT rehabilitation programs, for patients with neurological impairments or muscle weakness. Xcite is designed to be easily integrated into these traditional programs and supports neuromuscular re-education by enhancing active muscle contractions, promoting the completion of fluid, natural movements and providing feedback to you and your patient.”

The cost of the 2-day event is £150 and each attendee can choose 3 different workshops from the exciting range. To find out more and register email courses@hobbsrehabilitation.co.uk.