Unit 20 Heron Industrial Estate
Widnes, WA8 0SW

Main Office Number

0800 180 4850

Available 10am – 4pm

Monday – Friday



RT300 SL Paediatric FES Bike Market-leading FES bike designed exclusively for children The RT300-SLP provides FES leg cycling for children as young as 4 years old. It is a compact and portable system that is easy to set up and convenient to use for wheelchair users as...


RT300 SL FES Bike The most popular FES bike in the RT range The RT300-SL provides FES cycling for legs. It is a compact and portable system that is easy to set up and convenient to use for wheelchair users as no transfer is required. Other features include:  ...


RT300 SA FES Bike Best-in-class FES Cycling For Arms The RT300-SA provides FES cycling for arms. This system utilises an electric height-adjustable table for easy set up in a clinical environment, or it can be mounted on a static table for individual home use. The...


RT300 SLSA FES Bike Best-in-class FES Cycling For Arms and Legs The RT300-SLSA provides FES cycling for arms and legs. This is a very flexible device that is used by leading clinics across a wide range of patient indications. It enables leg and arm cycling from a...


RT300 Supine FES Bike FES arm and leg cycling from a bed The RT300-Supine provides FES arm and leg cycling from a bed. It is ideal for use in the ICU, acute rehabilitation environments, or for those patients who are confined to bed at home . Integrating the...