Unit 20 Heron Industrial Estate
Widnes, WA8 0SW

Main Office Number

0800 180 4850

Available 10am – 4pm

Monday – Friday

Over 100 patients and 60 support staff involved

Held at the birthplace of the Paralympic movement, Stoke Mandeville Stadium, for nearly 30 years, , the Inter Spinal Unit Games gives many participants their first taste of taking part in sport as part of their rehabilitation.

Over 100 patients and 60 support staff from fourteen Spinal injury centres and specialist units across the UK, together with coaches and officials are scheduled to attend the games.

Coaching from leading wheelchair sports athletes

Running from 16 – 18 April, patients receive coaching and demonstrations from current leading wheelchair sports athletes and coaches in a variety of sports which include archery, cue sports, rugby, athletics, fencing, basketball, powerlifting, boccia, swimming, shooting and tennis.

They can experience first-hand what can be achieved, both in terms of sport and an independent lifestyle and discover the tremendous benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. The Games are sometimes a participant’s first experience outside a hospital environment since their injury, and provide a pathway to finding out the tremendous benefits that sport and physical activity can have on people’s lives.

Starting platform to live and enjoy an active lifestyle

Chris Turner, National Sports Director at WheelPower said: “The Inter-Spinal Unit Games provide a wonderful opportunity for people from across the UK that have recently had a spinal cord injury to come together and take part in a variety of sporting activities.

“We know that taking part in sport and physical activity enhances disabled people’s quality of life, giving them confidence, improving their wellbeing and helping to connect them to other people. The stories captured from the participants during the Games embodies this fully and provides a starting platform for people to live and enjoy an active lifestyle.

“Our vision is to help transform lives through sport and this event does exactly that, by providing opportunities to introduce disabled people to sport and supporting them to find an activity that they are passionate about and enjoy.”