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Widnes, WA8 0SW

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0800 180 4850

Available 10am – 4pm

Monday – Friday

Spinal Cord Injuries Awareness Day – 18th May 2018

In the UK alone, Spinal Cord Injuries are sustained by 1,000 people every year. Those unaffected by SCI’s are unaware of many of the implications that comes with an injury, and that the loss of mobility is just the tip of the iceberg.

Spinal Cord Injuries issues

Today is about spreading awareness, knowledge and hopefully try and prevent SCI’s. Be a part of this cause by sharing your stories with the #SCIAware.

Aspire Law have written a great article, outlining certain aspects of SCI, informing people what an SCI is, what the complications are, causes and most importantly, prevention.

About Injury Levels and Completeness

There are two main factors that dictates what’s present post-injury – Injury Level and the Completeness of Injury.

Injury Level is which part of the Spinal cord is affected. This is separated by different zones of the Spinal Cord: Sacral, Lumbar, Thoracic and Cervical (S, L, T and C). There are individual bones along the spinal cord, and to represent which bones are affected, a number is assigned. For example an injury to the fourth bone down the spine within the Thoracic zone would be injury level T4.

The higher up the spine the injury is, the higher the loss of function and sensation.

Injuries are either complete, or incomplete. If an injury is complete, it means no sensations or function is present below that injury. If an injury is described as incomplete, it means there is some degree of sensation and/or movement below that injury – even if only very small.

Carry on reading this brilliant, informative article over at Aspire Law – https://www.aspirelaw.co.uk/news-media-and-resources/be-sciaware-18th-may-2018