Unit 20 Heron Industrial Estate
Widnes, WA8 0SW

Main Office Number

0800 180 4850

Available 10am – 4pm

Monday – Friday

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Using your wheelchair away from smooth pavements and indoor surfaces can expose you to excessive levels of vibration. This is particularly the case over rough terrain if you want to get out and about in the countryside, for example.

Studies have shown that if a wheelchair user is exposed to whole body vibration, lower back pain can be particularly problematic. This is because for most people with a spinal injury, the stabilising lower body or core muscles, are very weak or not working at all. This means that any vibrations from rough ground are not absorbed by the body, disturbing internal organs and impacting the spinal column.

Low frequency vibrations cause the major problem

Vibrations in the frequency range 1-20Hz have been shown to be the worst for causing this problem. Fortunately, Loopwheels greatly reduces this problem. Tests have shown when compared to spoked wheels, Loopwheels reduce vibration by 68% at 7Hz, 52% at 10Hz and 76% at 13Hz.

This means that with Loopwheels fitted to your wheelchair, discomfort is reduced over rough ground as well as kerbs, bumps and lips. Whether you are using your wheelchair with an electrical power attachment, pushing it yourself or being pushed Loopwheels can improve comfort over rough terrain. Check out their clinical indications document to see three specific case studies on how using Loopwheels helped wheelchair users improve the quality of their life.

Help manage your life with less pain and long-term damage

Gemma Pearce, Managing Director at Loopwheels, said “Our customers have told us that they really want to know that Loopwheels are right for them before committing to buy. By publishing the testing, developing clinical indications we are helping more of the right people to benefit from these amazing wheels.

“Many people are unaware how debilitating exposure to vibration can be, particularly causing lower back pain and creating fatigue quickly. It prevents people doing everything that they are capable of. Loopwheels can play an important role in helping people manage their lives with less pain and long-term damage.”

Find out more about Loopwheels.

If you want to find out more about Loopwheels on your wheelchair, contact us today by calling 0800 180 4850, or by filling out the form below.